hey human

welcome to my box

i mostly draw things, sometimes they move

if you wanna see what i've done up until now you can smash the contact button for all my useful links, or else hit the info button to know a bit more about me

if instead you are interested in commissioning or collaborating with me, i suggest you to click here: commissions & collabs


hi! my name is raff

my pronouns are they/them

i'm an italian illustrator and 2d animator

atm i'm still studying to improve my skills and, hopefully, to discover new ones

to be noted: i'm a huge fan of long naps, cats and soups


you can find all my artworks and creations here:

also, i made an animated short-film with Quarto Piano, a small animation collective

to know more about my policies to commission and/or collaborate with me click here: commissions & collabs

commissions & collabs

hi human!
sorry, but for now this section is still
try to visit me again in a few days!